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Understanding The Elements Supporting Ethnomathematics I - Ethnomathematics Reflection

Some people think ethno mathematics is not important or not interesting enough. But I think ethno mathematics has its own enchantment. Ethno mathematics gives me the other side of mathematics where mathematics has an interesting history. Knowing that mathematics is used since a long ago makes me feel that mathematics is not an ordinary knowledge. Mathematics is not only a pure knowledge, but also knowledge that has meaning and history. This time Mr. Marsigit gave us a quiz and he asked us to make a reflection from it. This time I knew that Aji Saka is real, not a legend or a story.
In communication, there are four dimensions, namely material dimension, formal dimension, normative dimension, and spiritual dimension. Material dimension is a dimension where the communication is built between two persons or more with physical contact. For example when a guy throws a punch to someone else, the dimension is the physical contact, the punch. Formal dimension is a dimension where the communication is built between two people with a direct communication. For example when a student asks about something to the teacher, the activity asking question is the formal dimension. Normative dimension is a dimension where the communication delivers the meaning of something. For example when a student asks the teacher about something, it means the student delivers the meaning of the question; and when the teacher answers the question, it means the teacher delivers the contents and the meaning of the answer. Spiritual dimension is a dimension where the communication is made between human and something spiritual, the unseen one. Like when we pray to God, it means there is a contact between us and something spiritual, God. In this life we cannot get separate to something called communication. Communication has been an important part for life, since a person was born in this world. The dimension of communication is directed. A baby cannot talk to his/her parents after he/she was born. He/she only can move his/her hand, or maybe kicking around. After some quiet times the baby can walk, talk, and so on.
There are two conditional terms something can be called knowledge: synthetic and apriory. Synthetic means that knowledge comes from experiences. Apriory means that knowledge can think about the physical appearance of something we don’t know yet. For example at first a kid has knowledge that every dog is tame. First time the kid finds a tame dog, the next time he/she found is the tame one. But the next time he/she pursue by a dog. From his/her experiences, he/she gets that there are tame dogs and there are the wild ones. So he/she has to be careful to some dogs. For this the knowledge comes from the experiences he/she had been assembled. This thing is called knowledge because it is synthetic. And the ability of the kid to reflect the image of a dog before the kid see a dog is one of condition knowledge can be called knowledge.
The direction of knowledge is up or down. Three pillar of knowledge are ontology, epistemology, and acriology. Ontology means the essence of knowledge. Epistemology means the method to develop knowledge. Acriology means the value of knowledge.
The next question is about the dimension of value. The dimensions of value are intrinsic, extrinsic, and systemic. Intrinsic means the value of an object is known by us and God. For extrinsic, the value of an object is known widely. Systemic means that the value is made by a boss. For the school’s cases, the value or a school grades is given by teacher. So in this case, the teacher is the boss.
The dimensions of educational politics are industrial trainer, conservative, humanism, progressive, and public educator. Every country has their educational politics system their selves.
Piaget was actually a biologist. But he did concern to psychology and cognitive development. He divides the ability of children into four different classes: sensory motor, preoperational, operational concrete, and formal. Sensory motor came from children from 0 to 2 years old. Preoperational came from children from 3 to 7 years old. Operational concrete came from children from 8 to 11 years old. Operational formal came from children from 12 to 15 years old. Then he also developed the theory of assimilation and equilibrium. People have structure or sometimes we call it by scheme named cognitive structure. By using scheme, people can adapt and coordinate to their surroundings. So they made new scheme by assimilation and accommodation. Assimilation is the process of fusion of new information to our cognitive structure. Accommodation is the process of restructurization of information to our structure. In this process, there is an adaptation process. Equilibrium comes when assimilation and accommodation is not balance. Equilibrium adapts the continuity between assimilation and accommodation. 

Zone of proximal development is developed by Vigotsky. Vigotsky is a philosopher from Russia. He concentrated to culture, interaction, and the influence of language in cognitive development. Zone of proximal development is told us about when children need help for their study. At first children need to be companied for their study. Children need help from teacher and parents. But after some quiet time children don’t need help to study.
Emanuel Kant developed the architecture theory. 
... to be continued...


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Komentar dari Post : Problematika Pembelajaran Matematika di SD

Nawangwulan Vennia Hanung Hershanasti Pendidikan Matematika Internasional 2011 11313244016 Assalamualaikum w.w. Saya adalah salah satu siswa yang mengalami pembelajaran matematika yang amat sangat menyenangkan di sekolah dasar. Dari apa yang saya alami, cara mengajar guru atau cara guru menyampaikan materi mungkin sama dengan apa yang saya pelajari selama ini, menggunkan lembar kerja, ada diskusi antar siswa, bahkan dibentuk kerja kelompok dimana memungkinkan siswa yang 'lebih unggul' dapat mementori kawan dalam satu kelompoknya, sehingga dalam pembelajaran matematika tidak hanya melulu belajar matematika saja, tapi juga memberikan pelajaran lain, yaitu pelajaran kehidupan di mana adanya bahu membahu dan membantu dalam menyelesaikan suatu problema, terutama berlajar bertanggung jawab atas apa yang dibebankan kepada siswa secara kelompok (berupa soal-soal). Jadi pembelajaran matematika juga membangun kepribadian siswa. Prestasi belajar matematika di sekolah dasar mu...

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English Assignment

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